Sustainable Living

View of green grasses with bright sunny water in the background.

Over the last decade, the concept of sustainability has been brought to light and used widely to cover the many challenges of our modern days. As a way to bring awareness on the issues at stake, now more than ever, when it comes to environment health and resilience. But also to make us realize our responsibility in the management of those very resources. To make us understand why we need to avoid, through concrete actions, the depletion of our resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.

Living Sustainably ?

Now that’s for the concept. But, practically, how do we live sustainably ? What is sustainable living ? As individuals, where do we fall into this once we incorporate the human factor ? What is really at stake and what exactly is expected from us to keep this very ecological balance ? In other words, what can we do to make our world a little better, one step at a time ?

An Honest Look Around.

Well, sustainable living is about choosing to live without further impacting negatively the ecological footprint of our planet. So in a tangible way, we simply need to develop awareness of how our actions affect our surroundings. Understand it and address it. We need to introduce or reintroduce effective methods to reduce the consequences of harmful habits that insidiously took over time. We have to work at fixing our past mistakes, yes. But also learn from them, so that we can leave a better place for our generations to come. So we can bring back some affected areas of our globe to their former glory and improve the health of our planet overall.

Where To Start.

And all this starts right here, in Canada’s Ocean Playground. Our very own playground. Our very own backyard. It starts with you, it starts with us. With all of us. Each and everyone has the power to initiate the change and make a difference. Each at its own pace and up to its abilities. Sustainable living is within our reach, no matter who we are. An eco-minded process, overall a mindful process, meant to be enjoyed all along.