Mindful Living

Visual representation of mindful living with white flower floating on turquoise water.

Mind·ful·ness : Quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. Mindful living, a way of life achieved by focusing our awareness on the present, while calmly acknowledging and accepting our feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

Our take on mindfulness ? Simply the art of finding inner serenity while passing on humanity. Mindfulness is cultivating awareness. Paying full attention to something at a given time, in a given place. It is accepting slow living. Not in a sloth way but rather in a way where we take the time to absorb important moments. Those many tiny moments that make our everyday a good life.

Mindful Living In Practice.

And at Islands to Cottages, we are dedicated to make things make sense. So in concrete terms, how do we practice mindfulness ? Well, mainly by exploring the various aspects of our life to make some of them simpler, smoother and healthier to feel more connected to our surroundings. Being open-minded and curious about little things filling our existence. Becoming aware of those elements. Giving them a sense, a purpose, a positive outcome. With patience and openness, we can rediscover who we are and develop a trust in ourselves, in our emotions and in our capabilities.

Learning Where We Come From.

We all go thought life carrying a baggage. More or less heavy, intricate, complicated or clear to decipher. Our past leads us day after day into a present that we might or might not have the way we want it. There are things we can control. And things we cannot. Mindfulness is understanding how we function as individuals within our own life, and why. It allows us to heal some of our wounds through thoughtful actions that will help us grow feeling fulfilled.

Preparing A Better Future.

Mindful living means making the best decisions we can today to improve our daily routine, and work towards a better tomorrow. It is about changing what we can to make things function better. And accepting the fact that there are some components we cannot change. Accepting to live with those unalterable factors, letting go of the burden of frustration that easily comes with it. It helps us better understand us and also better understand others.

A Step Towards Humanity.

Mindful living is a necessary step towards humanity and towards living together within a society. Through a set of tacit rules of etiquette, good manners and wisdom, we make our human world function day to day. By accepting others for who they are. Being non-judgmental, grateful and kind to the best extend that we can possibly be. It does not mean accepting and forgiving everything, as not everything can or should be forgiven. But it means putting things into perspective and accepting what can be so we can move forward for our own good.

Find your inspiration. Browse through those articles and see how very easy it is to reach your mindful self and spread it around. One step at a time.