Sensory Tableware

Published by islandstocottages on

Natural white napkins with detailed borders are resting on a crisp bright white linen tablecloth.

Sensory Tableware.

How to bring back some sensory values to the table for a unique experience that goes much further than the simple sustenance. The mindful aspect of enjoying a meal with sensory tableware…

Fabric Tableware.

Reusable fabric napkins are a must. Fully part of our meal experience, they mean so much more than first meets the eye. Just think about it. The textured cloth touching our lips for a delicate swipe while enjoying our meal. Would we really prefer a dry paper square scrapping this soft and sensory organ with an irritable sound ? No. The sensory aspect of the tableware is key when it comes to napkins of course, because it affects our senses. And experiencing food is all about senses.

But on a sustainability viewpoint ? We go even further. Disposable napkins are simply not an option. Too much waste at the end of the line, too much resources used all along. And with great fabric choices on the market, there really is no excuse to keep buying discardable ones that will have to go to the curb at the end of each meal. Every day. So it is time to think forward, to think green and to go back to our roots. A good set of fashionable napkins to have by our side on the table, night and day. They are easy to clean, just like any other linen apparel. And by picking the right ones, they will make us happy over and over again.

It is always better to avoid synthetic fibers, even if recycled, and go for natural. A good go-to is cotton napkins, easy to maintain and really really pleasant to touch. With good absorbency too. Hemp, bamboo are great choices as well. But the one fiber that steals the show every time when it comes to tableware ? Linen. Luxurious linen. We cannot beat the unparalleled feel of a linen napkin. Or linen table cloth for that matter. And if we are not in the mood to iron to get the perfectly lined top ? Go for the wrinkled look ! Let it dry outside on the cloth line to soak in the freshness of the breeze. It will only add more texture and interest to the décor.

Investing in great finds locally, crafted by local artisans, will win every time. Or we can make our own ! With fabrics we already have on hand. It’s easy. Picking patterns we like and make them part of our daily meals.

Sensational Silverware.

As for silverware, they are terribly important too when it comes to sensory tableware. Too often left aside as deemed somewhat trivial. But we should make sure we have a proper set of silverware at all times. They should feel nice in the mouth and heavy enough to give substance to our meal. We can’t underestimate the power of cutlery in enjoying a meal ! Seriously. Let’s picture ourselves in a fancy restaurant. Whether we already had the experience, lived it through a tale or thought about it at some point. Then comes the meal presented before our eyes, our senses already savoring it, our taste buds melting in anticipation. We go for our first bite, close our eyes, plunge the cutlery into the promising wonders and it’s… the feel of a cheap wobbly plastic fork. Now that is NOT a mouth full.

Silverware is sensation. It has significant influence in the bite we actually swallow. Some types are terribly unpleasant. Too bulky. Too pointy. Too narrow. Some leave a funky feel inside the mouth. Some are spiky. Well there are all sort of silverware to choose from, and choosing the right type for us is quite a task. But the ones we really want to avoid is the “moving day” kind. The “forgot my spoon home today” type. Because when it comes to cutlery, the one-use-only is just not cutting it.

Can’t afford a whole new set of silverware ? That’s ok. We use mismatch silvers instead, if we are lucky enough to find great pieces that touch our heart. Maybe we even inherited some from a great aunt ? Then it is the perfect time to use them again ! You know, the whole old-is-new-again thing going on…

Simple Plates.

Plates shall be in good shape and easy to handle. We can always go for the fancy ones, sure. But once again, taking a quick look at our gastronomic experiences, elegant plain white plates usually win with flying colors. In fancy restaurants, plates are not excessively adorned. It is the meal that is in full display, rather than the plate itself. Focus should be made on the food. So the best advise to have in mind when it comes to plates, is that simplicity is key. We can score great sets of white china on the second hand marketplaces or reuse some staples we had hidden somewhere in a closet. To make the best of our buck and improve our ecological footprint. And, with older china, our pieces will probably be quite unique, adding personality to our dinners.

So when it comes to enjoying a meal, no need to go through a lot of trouble to get the best experience possible. Sustainability is key : reusable sensory tableware, reusable utensils, plain earthenware… Good looks, unbeatable experience and unmatched ecological footprint. Now that’s elevated dinner…